Lemon Elderflower Seltzer
THC Drinks: THC Seltzer
Experience the ultimate rejuvenation with BRẼZ Lemon Elderflower Seltzer! This powerful drink contains 2.5mg of THC, 5 mg CBD, and 1600mg of Lion's Mane mushroom to boost energy and focus. Elevate your day and indulge in the refreshing taste of lemon elderflower.
Lemon Elderflower
2.5mg THC | 5mg CBD | 1600mg Lions Mane Per 7.5oz Can
Learn more about Brez
I was hoping to feel something more based on the reviews on Brez's website. This drink make me feel good/relaxed/calm, but not significantly more-so than other THC/CBD drinks. Great flavor!
I've tried a lot of drinks, this combo of THC/CBD/Lion's Mane is lights out. Great taste and great feeling
The amount of THC for the price, along with the small size makes it seem not very economical. I am also not sure what Lions Mane is all about. I can’t tell.
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